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Boundaries and Bunnies!


It’s June and nearly halfway through the year already. I cannot get over how quickly the years pass as you get older. But taking that knowledge makes for almost a rush to ‘do’ things which can be both a positive and indeed a negative in my humble opinion.

I want to do so much over here with regards to nature, foraging and championing outside as a tool for mental health, but this has lead to my own personal burnouts or low moments from trying too hard in the past.

So now I rarely do it. The over working or committing to extra things. Over the last three or so years I have tried very hard to gently check myself, take time away from trying to save the world in some small way and focus on self-saving/and being sufficient and functioning with care for my own energy levels and well-being. And ask myself if I want to take on any more mentally exhausting responsibilities, both work related and in my personal life.

I turned down caring for some baby bunnies last night. Normally old me would have thought go rescue them (and quickly!), and do the helpful thing someone has asked of me.

It sounds so very cold, but I did it first off last night. No apology needed, (this is another thing I used to do all the time), I was simply ‘unable to help’ and ‘hoped they could get it sorted’, now, today, I don’t have them to look after. Of course I do hope they are okay!

For years I was a people pleaser, always regretting or wishing I hadn’t committed to something that would cause more stress and committed time to something or someone. It does get easier setting boundaries the more that you practice it.

I still commit to stuff gladly, and of course we cannot all go around forever turning down opportunities to help others and the support people in our circles and our extended circles, or indeed take on bigger work projects etc,(the world would be in an even sorrier state than it is right now if we all did that), but we can however take a second to pause prior to committing to all the stuff that isn’t healthy for us.

So today, I hope you go forward into a new week with perhaps a little outtake from this to try it, kindly, gently, but not adding to your days with extra stuff you know will cause likely additional stress or anxiety and precious time management.

The bunnies, or today lack of bunny responsibilities, means I have more time to be with my family and focus on stuff that needs it, not other people’s side quests where I do not need to be a part of the story.

And that is totally okay.





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